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Even though this website and our social media channels are periodically updated with information about our products and services, the Kankoda Newsletter lets you subscribe to the latest news.
Important EmojiKit changes
After not being able to scale EmojiKit Pro to a commercial product, Kankoda will migrate EmojiKit back to an open-source library.
Important product updates
As Kankoda creates more products, having separate web sites and social media accounts for each product isn’t viable. These sites and accounts will therefore be merged with Kankoda’s.
Say hello to EmojiKit
Say hello to EmojiKit - a brand new SDK brings emoji features to Swift-based apps and libraries on all major Apple platforms (iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS).
KeyboardKit 8
KeyboardKit 8 is finally out! This is a huge update with lots of changes and improvements, that will take your custom keyboards to the next level.
KeyboardKit 8 Release Candidate
The first release candidate for KeyboardKit 8 has been made available for public access. This is a massive update with lots of improvements, so make sure to check it out.
LicenseKit License Model Changes
The LicenseKit license model has been updated to be more affordable for single indie developers and smaller startups, while also providing more functionality.
Lunchrrrrr 2.1 is out
Lunchrrrrr has been rewritten for iOS 16. It has an updated UI and improved responsiveness when dragging a card from the deck.
New website
Say hello to our new website. Until we have more content, let’s say hi on Twitter and Mastodon.