Privacy Policy

This is the privacy policy for the One Touch Paste app (hereby referred to as “the app”).


Whenever the policy mentions “personal data”, it refers to data that can be used to identify you as an individual, either directly or indirectly.

Whenever the policy mentions “anonymous data”, it refers to data that can’t be used to identify you as an individual.


In short, this policy states the following:

  • The app may collect anonymous data.
  • The app does not collect personal data.
  • The app does not sell any collected data to third parties.
  • The app will only access personal data that you enter into the app.
  • The app will only share personal data that you actively share from the app.

For more details on this, please see the remainder of the document.

How data is collected

The app does not collect any personal data. The app may collect anonymous usage data, e.g. how often the app is used, as well as crash reports.

How data is stored

The app only stores data on your local device and personal cloud. You can export your data to files as a manual operation, provided that the app lets you create data.

How data is shared

The may app share anonymous usage data with analytics tools, as described above. You can share your data to others as a manual operation, provided that the app lets you create and export data.

How data is used

Anonymous usage data is used to improve the app and detect problems.

The app will open your default e-mail application when you choose to send suggestions, feedback or error reports.

E-mails are deleted when they are no longer needed, e.g. when a question has been answered or a feature request has been implemented.

Means of communication

Any significant changes to this policy will be communicated in the release notes, when releasing a new version of the app.